Latest OneNav Firmware

Android 9

My Connect: 3.5.56 Release Date:2020/06/29

Android 10

OneConnect: 4.0.37 Release Date: 2021/12/15

Android 11

OneConnect: Release Date: 2022/05/24

Important: Android version cannot be upgraded. Be sure to download the firmware for your Android version (9, 10 or 11). Failing to do so will result in the device needing to be sent in for repair

Please follow the steps below to update your OneNav Head Unit to the latest software version:

  1. Download the “” file using the links above.
  2. Format your USB to FAT32 (Please note the USB must be 8gb or bigger)
  3. Copy the “” file the root of your USB.
  4. Insert the USB into your OneNav unit.
  5. The unit will automatically go to the update screen and you can select install.
  6. Once the software is loaded successfully the unit will reboot and go to the main screen then you can remove the USB from the unit.